This blog is primarily about gardening with cactus in Melbourne, Australia.
The focus though, will be on my favourites the big, tall blue ones, which consist of Trichocereus, Pilososcereus and Cereus.
I’ve called this blog the Big Blue Cactus Garden, but in reality it isn’t really about a “cactus garden” as the garden itself more a “garden with cactus” in it. It’s a bit like a Lamb Roast! The star of the meal is the lamb but it also consists of gravy and vegies as well, but it’s still called a Lamb Roast. So I’ll be writing about some other plants as well.
The climate typically consists of hot dry summers and cold wet winters. With temperatures normally ranging overall from around 40C to -2C over the year. So it is suitable for growing a wide variety plants that typically come from other climates.
Why did I write this blog?
Growing cacti can become an addictive hobby. I originally got interested because I discovered they were a great plant to grow in pots, as you could go away on holidays for a week in the middle of summer, come home and not find them all shriveled up.
But then I discovered they then grew faster when planted in the ground. The next discovery I made was of the above mentioned genera, in particular Trichocereus. These (mostly) grow relatively quickly. So once I discovered this the addiction really took off.
So why write a blog about it?
I’ve always had a real thirst for information as I have an inquiring mind. For some reason it’s not enough to observe that something happens. I need to know why! Therefore the plan was to write a diary and document my observations and then hopefully find some reasons.
Then I decided that was a bit boring. So decided to put it online. It’s not difficult to build a website/blog these days! So why not!
So, if you’re reading this then there’s a fair chance your interests are similar to mine. So feel free to leave a comment. Especially if you can add something constructive. I’m more than happy to be contradicted or corrected, but make sure you qualify why. If you just write something like, “that’s bullshit!” Then don’t expect to get it published. All comments will be moderated. So the idea is to add to the conversation so all those reading can benefit from everyone’s knowledge.
Please enjoy and Happy Gardening!