I have a few Bridgesiis but True Blue is definitely my favourite. Not only because it looks great but it’s also a really good grower.
Amazingly this clone doesn’t appear to be very popular. You rarely see it for sale online.
I purchased this cutting in February 2022. You can see it started to developed roots fairly quickly and was planted in the ground just after this photo was taken. So it’s managed to developed a nice root system, put on about 52cm of growth and the bonus was, the tip didn’t etolate. It’s done well!
The other interesting point, the eBay seller, who was in NSW, listed it as a slow to medium grower. It seems to have done a bit better here in Melbourne which probably indicates it’s very suited to cooler climates, considering the summer of 2022/2023 was very mild in Melbourne. It will be interesting to watch it grow next summer as it’s forecast to be quite a bit warmer than last year.
Another interesting observation is the colour.
It looks very blue. Likely from the warmer climate in NSW or maybe more sun exposure. Now it’s growing in Melbourne’s climate, the colour is more of a green/blue.
Therefore if you are buying cactus cuttings online, from an area where the climate is different to yours, you may experience slightly different results. In this case it worked in my favour but if it doesn’t for you, maybe be patient as it might just need time to acclimatise.